Appliseringsutstyr for
Appliseringsutstyr for
- Markedsledende aktører
- Utvikling og produksjon i USA og Europa
- LAB test
- FAT - Factory Acceptance Test
Kompatible reservedeler
Kompatible Reservedeler
- Stort utvalg
- Høy kvalitet
- Konkurransedyktige priser
Meter & Mix
"Meter & Mix"
- Applisering av 1K og 2K materialer
Prosjektbaserte løsninger
Prosjektbaserte løsninger
- Produktutvikling
- Spesialtilpassing av utstyr
- LAB-test tilgjengelig
- 100% konfidensialitet
- 1K og 2K materialer
- Molding
- Potting
- Filling
- Coating
- Varme eller kalde materialer
- Automatiserte eller manuell påføring
- Automatisert eller manuell applisering
- Stort utvalg
- Enkeltkomponenter
- Komplette systemer
- Forbruksmateriell
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This website is currently under development – Additional information will be added continuously until the site is completed

Limpåføringsutstyr | Kvalitetssikring | 1K og 2K Appliseringer | Automasjonsløsninger | Montasje | Service | Reservedeler

Global expertise
Local presence

LimTeknikk AS co-operates with big, global and “market leading” suppliers within all the different markets we work in and serve.

For you and your company, that means we can give you the “trustworthyness” you need in supplying the right equipment and the service & support you will appreciate.

Are you paying too much?

We deliver a broad range of spareparts compatible with systems from other suppliers, – especially within the “hotmelt applications” segment.

Our systems and spareparts is manufactured in Europe and North America, – and we have proved to be very competitive in terms of both quality and pricing.

What is most important for you?

We can contribute with whatever your company wish from us, – ranging from service agreements, help with product development or teaching your employees in maintenance and technical issues regarding your manufacturing equipment.

It`s all up to you!

Contact us:

Postal address

Trøan 5 NO-7354 Viggja


+47 918 91 400


We are here!

We are located just outside the city of Trondheim, – and we can supply manufacturing equipment, spare parts, service & support throughout all of Norway

Follow us on social media`s:

We are happy to help!

Make a “non-binding” phonecall to LimTeknikk AS today.

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